Wordpress: Our review

WordPress is a powerful CMS for businesses requiring hands-off support for the features of existing extensions.

When it comes to building a website, there are plenty of options available to choose from. One of the most popular platforms for building websites is WordPress, and it’s easy to see why. WordPress offers a plethora of customisation features that allow users to tailor their website to their exact specifications. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at some of the customisation. features that websites built with WordPress have.

How can WordPress be customised?

One of the biggest advantages of building a website with WordPress is that users can create a rich and dynamic experience without any technical knowledge. With the intuitive user interface and a vast range of plugins available, users can customize their website with just a few clicks. The WordPress administrator provides an easy-to-use dashboard that allows users to manage all aspects of their website, including adding or modifying content, changing themes, and installing plugins.


One of the most significant customisation features that WordPress offers is the ability to change the theme of your website. WordPress has thousands of themes available, both free and paid, that allow you to change the look and feel of your website with just a few clicks. With so many options to choose from, you’re sure to find a theme that fits your website’s style and purpose.


Another customisation. feature that WordPress offers is the ability to add plugins to your website. Plugins are additional pieces of software that you can install on your website to add new functionality. For example, if you want to add a contact form to your website, you can install a plugin that will allow you to do so. WordPress has a vast library of plugins available, covering everything from SEO optimization to e-commerce functionality.


Widgets are another customisation. feature that WordPress offers. These are small blocks of content that you can place in various locations on your website. For example, you could add a widget to display your latest blog post, or a widget to display your social media feeds. WordPress comes with several built-in widgets, and you can also install additional widgets through plugins.

Custom CSS

If you have some CSS knowledge, you can use custom CSS to further customize your WordPress website. CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, and it is a language used to describe the look and formatting of a document written in HTML. With custom CSS, you can change the color, font, size, and positioning of different elements on your website. This allows you to create a unique look and feel for your website that stands out from the rest.

What are the disadvantages of WordPress?

WordPress has a complicated infrastructure compared to static website builds, which means that the pricing for WordPress builds is typically higher. However, this higher cost is justified by the increased functionality and flexibility that WordPress provides. With WordPress, users can create a website that is tailored to their specific needs and requirements, with the ability to add features and functionality as their business grows.

What are the scaling issues with WordPress?

One issue that users may encounter when building a WordPress site is scaling. As the website grows and attracts more visitors, scaling can become a complicated issue. WordPress sites can become slow and unresponsive if not optimized correctly. However, this issue can be easily addressed by hiring a professional developer who can optimize the site’s infrastructure and ensure that it can handle increased traffic.

What are the disadvantages of the WordPress marketplace?

With an unfettered marketplace come all the standard issues. Many of the great plugins which are freely available become out-of-date. This happens because they are unable to be monetised or abandoned by the supporters in favour of another package. This makes finding correct packages a hard task, especially for non-expert developers. As who is the intended audience of the packages. Since any assessment of a package is prohibitively costly in many cases, many people can be susceptible to defaulting to trusted reputation. Overall, building a website with WordPress offers users a powerful and flexible platform that can be easily customized and scaled to meet their needs. Despite the slightly higher price point and potential scaling issues, WordPress remains one of the most popular and effective platforms for building dynamic and engaging websites.

What Licence Does Wordpress have?

The license under which the WordPress software is released is the GPLv2 (or later) from the Free Software Foundation. A copy of the license is included with every copy of WordPress, but you can also read the text of the license here. Part of this license outlines requirements for derivative works, such as plugins or themes. Derivatives of WordPress code inherit the GPL license.

~ Wikipedia

What does a GNU licence mean for business?

If you modify or reuse the source code WordPress it is a derivative work. You then must distribute any such works under the same or equivalent terms.

Because changes are costly, many businesses find this licence type prohibitive. As it means that competitors are able to use your work free of charge. However, you may still create custom extensions with an arbitrary licence type, so most changes do not require any modifications to the original distribution.

Other businesses find the marketing benefits from being an active contribuitor as a positive that outweighs any negatives of helping competitors.

What is the Technical Specification?


In conclusion, WordPress offers a wide range of customisation. features that allow you to create a website that is tailored to your needs. From themes to plugins and widgets, WordPress has something for everyone. Whether you’re building a personal blog or an e-commerce store, WordPress can help you create a website that looks and functions exactly the way you want it to.