Customisation: Website solution properties
Solution Properties of Websites - Here we review the properties the the various different website build solutions.
While website build solutions offer different benefits, there are also drawbacks to consider. As business properties are related to some effect on the business, solution properties have some affect on the business properties. When selecting a build solution with certain solution properties, they influence the business properties.
When, for example, a business never plans to achieve massive scale, there is no need to account for this in the solution properties. A solution may have low scalability properties, but that does not affect its business reliability. Or a website operating in the UK may only need to support a maximum of 10 million visitors, not 1 billion.
Additionally, choosing a build solution grants users the ability to work within its framework. The features and direction of the solution dictate the moves that can be made. That does not always mean that the current framework is permanent. As many frameworks operate on built-in web standards, this allows you to easily move or change direction when you are creating something new. Other frameworks move in the direction of a usecase or cause. While generic frameworks try not to impose any first-party constraints, only those imposed on the solution by the current landscape.
A major landscape constraint is the operating systems and applications that are used to access web content. The companies that control those components exert a lot of influence over the landscape and its direction. When selecting a solution, it pays to incorporate this complicated factor. To distribute an online game, it may be necessary to rely on Google or Apple owned software components to make that work. But there is no such imposition on e-books, they can work just fine with even old-school terminal-based browsers (shout out to Lynx).
Solution Properties of Websites - Here we review the properties the the various different website build solutions.
Here we Review The Properties Of Templates - Templates are the reusable components of your website frontend.
One of the biggest advantages of using a website builder is cost-effectiveness.
Scalability Properties of Website Build Solutions - Here we review how solutions can effect your operations.
Here we review how website build solutions are more time efficient that other solutions for particular usecases.
Here we view how website build solutions may have different approaches to giving users an friendly experience for their use case .
Here we review how the support differ when looking at developers vs website builders.
Review of licence properties - How your software licence choices effect development.
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