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Website Business Properties -- Learn more

Taking a look at each of the properties that website build solutions provide for businesses.

Here, properties are defined as those of a website build solution such that any effect is felt by the business. Instead of the properties of the build solution that allow the business to manage websites.

For example, a solution with a robust business property is of zero value if a new design is to be created. In that case, a solution with reliability and value may be best. However, as per the development and robustness properties, your design changes may not affect your solution properties. So, if your future changes are predictable, you may benefit from a robust solution.

1 - Reliability: Website business properties

Why Reliability is Key for Your Website’s Success In today’s digital age

In this section, we will explore the properties of reliability.

Common Causes of Website Downtime:

  1. Server issues: Problems with your web hosting provider’s servers can cause your website to go down or become slow. This can happen due to hardware failure, software issues, or overload.
  2. Third-party integrations: If your website relies on third-party services, such as payment gateways or social media platforms, any issues with those services can affect your website’s performance.
  3. Cyberattacks: Hackers can target websites to disrupt their operations, steal sensitive data, or deface the site. 4. Software updates: Updating your website’s software is essential for security and functionality, but it can also introduce bugs and compatibility issues that can cause downtime.
  4. Response: Issues are sometimes unavoidable, being able to respond effectively can increase customer strength.

What makes a reliable website build solution:

  1. Utility cost: Ensure utility costs are low. Serving only necessary features in responses to web page requests.
  2. Monitor infrastructure: Monitoring tools track uptime and aid response if it goes down.
  3. Conduct regular maintenance: Keep your website’s software up to date, perform regular backups, and conduct security audits to prevent cyberattacks.
  4. Test website performance: Regularly test performance, speed, and user experience to identify and fix any issues.
  5. Have a plan in place: Developed plan for responding to issues, including communicating with customers, identifying the cause of the issue, and resolving it as quickly as possible.
  6. Availability: Can the service be accessed globally and will it remain up if part of country goes down.
  7. Information: Is the information and tools accessible to users, can they share it, or rely on your website to retain the information they value.

Why reliability is important

Your website needs to be reliable to ensure your business’s success. A reliable website is one that is available, responsive, and functional at all times. When your website is down or not functioning properly, it can have a significant impact on your business. It can result in lost revenue, damage to your brand reputation, and frustrates customers. For example, if your e-commerce website goes down during a busy shopping season, you could lose out on a lot of sales and potentially lose customers to competitors.

In addition to these immediate consequences, unreliable websites can also have long-term effects. Google and other search engines take website reliability into account when ranking websites in search results. If your website is frequently down or slow, it can negatively impact your search engine rankings and make it harder for potential customers to find you online.

2 - Robust: Website business properties

Robust investment - Best Practices for Long-Term Success When Building a Website

A website that is built to last can save time, money, and boost credibility.

In this article, we will discuss some of the best properties of website build solutions that can stand the test of time.

Right Technology Stack

Choosing the right technologies for any use case is the most important factor in building a website that can last for years. Always choose a platform that is reliable, scalable, and flexible. WordPress, for example, is a popular and reliable platform that provides a wide range of features for admin users and extension options. It is essential to select a technology that can adapt to both current and future needs.

Responsive Design

No matter your business, industry trends are often initiated by multi billion dollar entities. While any solution may meet the requirements now, but when the technological landscape continues to mature, will the your solution still meet the new requirements. If not, you must migrate to a new framework or suffer from being left behind by competitors.

Focus on Security

Security should be a top priority when building a website. A secure website not only protects your data but also ensures that your website visitors’ information is safe. Security not just at digital level but across the providers which enable your business functions.

In practice security is achieved through reducing the footprint through which any security related incident may occur. Often websites using a framework like Wordpress have many functionalities which aren’t used. Any such functions unnecessarily increase the security footprint and the requirements.

Optimize for Speed

Website load time is a crucial factor in user experience. A slow website can lead to a higher bounce rate and lower user engagement. Optimizing your website for speed involves minimizing the size of files, using a reliable web host, caching content and ensuring quick execution times. A fast website can result in higher search rankings and better user experience.

Speed has many terms, migration friendly content in particular has major benefit to certain use cases. When creating a website you must take into account the changes which will happen in the future. This will save time having to migrate your content when having to change any providers.

Another important term is trade-offs, often one can trade-off one factor in favour of another. For smaller websites it may be prudent to favour hosting storage instead of increasing solution complexity. The pay-off in implementation cost savings may outweigh those of maintaining a computationally efficient implementation. With robust software any efficiency gains may be easily configured once necessary.

Support migration friendly technologies

Migration friendly technologies pay dividends when a requirement change is outside of the initial design. The correct technologies prevent any small changes, to one a single part, from requiring the entire system to be re-designed. Generally any such technologies also enable benefits primitives, such as being able to re use greater portions of content in multiple websites.

Future-Proof Your Design

Technology is continuously evolving, and it is essential to design your website with the future in mind. Once you have a rock solid understanding of what your business domain model, you may take steps to ensure that your website design is scalable and adaptable to future changes. Keep in mind that you may need to add new features, functionality, change the design in the future or move to another provider. By building your website with flexibility in mind, you can avoid costly redesigns in the future.

What makes a solution robust?

  1. Requirements met: After the initial cost the functionality is sufficient
  2. Meets system change: As things change, does the solution. Will the solution require change in the future?
  3. Migration: If you need to can the bulk of the content be moved to another framework.
  4. Sustainability: will your solution preform under all the conditions it could be subjected to.

Why is Robustness important

Robustness in technology is an essential feature that ensures the sustainability, scalability, and adaptability of any solution. In the ever-changing landscape of technology, requirements are bound to change, and that is where robust solutions come into play. Robust solutions can efficiently and effectively accommodate any new demand without much development work.

So why is robustness important? For starters, it ensures that the solution can continue to function as intended even in the face of unforeseen changes. This means that the solution can adapt to new requirements without requiring significant changes, which saves time and resources.

Moreover, robust solutions are designed to be sustainable, meaning they can continue to operate effectively for extended periods without any significant issues. This ensures that the solution can meet the needs of the user for an extended period, without the need for frequent maintenance or updates.

Robustness is also crucial for scalability. As the user base of a solution grows, the solution needs to be able to handle the increased traffic and demand. Robust solutions can handle this increased demand without any significant issues, ensuring that the user experience remains seamless and uninterrupted.

Another benefit of robust solutions is their ability to integrate seamlessly with other platforms. Due to the complicated nature of technology, integration can be a challenging and time-consuming process. However, robust solutions are designed to integrate seamlessly with other platforms without requiring any significant development work. This ensures that the solution can work in conjunction with other solutions, making it more effective and efficient.

In conclusion, robustness is a critical aspect of any technology solution. It ensures that the solution can adapt to new requirements, operate effectively for extended periods, handle increased demand, and integrate seamlessly with other platforms. By prioritizing robustness, you can ensure that your technology solution is sustainable, scalable, and adaptable.

3 - Editors: Website business properties

Editorial staff - Why User Experience Matters for Your Content Team

When it comes to building a website, the focus is often on creating an attractive, user-friendly design that appeals to visitors. However, it is equally important to consider the needs of your content team, who will be responsible for creating and publishing content on your website. If your website is not editor-friendly, your content team will struggle to perform their job efficiently, which can have a negative impact on your business. In this article, we will discuss why user experience matters for your content team and offer tips for designing an editor-friendly website.

Challenges faced by content teams

Content teams face several challenges when it comes to managing and publishing content on a website. One of the biggest challenges is the complexity of content management systems (CMS) and publishing tools. Many CMS are designed for developers and require technical knowledge to operate, making it difficult for content editors to use them. This leads to a slow and frustrating editing process, which can decrease productivity.

Another challenge is the lack of flexibility in publishing tools. Many websites have a fixed layout, which makes it difficult to create unique content that stands out. This can lead to generic and unengaging content that fails to capture the attention of visitors.

Why user experience matters for your content team

Creating an editor-friendly website can have a positive impact on your content team’s productivity and job satisfaction. A well-designed CMS and publishing tools can make it easier for content editors to create and publish content, reducing the time it takes to complete tasks and increasing productivity. This allows your content team to focus on creating high-quality content rather than struggling with complex software.

An editor-friendly website can also improve the quality of your content. With a flexible layout and easy-to-use publishing tools, your content team can create unique and engaging content that stands out from the competition. This can lead to increased visitor engagement and higher conversion rates.

Tips for choosing an editor-friendly website

When designing an editor-friendly website, it is important to consider the needs of your content team. Here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Choose a user-friendly CMS: Look for a CMS that is designed with content editors in mind. It should be easy to use and require minimal technical knowledge for its users.

  2. Use a flexible layout: A flexible layout allows your content team to create unique content that stands out and engages visitors. With UI based editors this can be done with a drag and drop style, but often lacks in the ability to reuse any templates a user creates. However, using code based interfaces business are better able to produce and reuse templates.

  3. Provide easy-to-use publishing tools: Your publishing tools should be intuitive and easy to use, allowing your content team to publish content quickly and efficiently. This needs to take into account the type of content one is producing. Is someone is creating content for displaying a graphics showcase, it may be better to use a GUI to get the visual flair, since the work is focused on only a few pages.

  4. Test your website: Before launching your website, test it with your content team to ensure that it meets their needs and is easy to use.


Creating an editor-friendly website is essential for the success of your content team. By choosing a user-friendly CMS, using a flexible layout, and providing easy-to-use publishing tools, you can improve your content team’s productivity and job satisfaction. This can lead to higher quality content, increased visitor engagement, and higher conversion rates.

4 - Value: Website business properties

Business Value - Looking at the Properties Available When Evaluating Options.

In this article, we’ll explore how to maximise the value properties of your website by identifying and prioritising the most important capabilities and features, and measuring its performance and ROI.

By going through the documentation contained on this website, you will be able to identify the most important capabilities and features for your business needs. This will enable you to choose a solution that has the most value for the investment you make. We believe that by having the right knowledge at your disposal, you will be better equipped to make an informed decision that will benefit your business in the long run.

The first step in ensuring that your website meets your business needs is to identify what those needs are. Consider what your goals and objectives are for your website - are you looking to generate leads, increase sales, or simply provide information? Once you have a clear understanding of your goals, you can begin to identify the capabilities and features that will help you achieve them.

When it comes to prioritising these capabilities and features, it’s important to focus on those that will have the greatest impact on your business. This might include things like a user-friendly interface, a clear call-to-action, or high-quality content that is optimised for search engines. By prioritising these key elements, you can ensure that your website is delivering the maximum value to your business and your users.

Of course, it’s not enough to simply implement these capabilities and features - you also need to measure their performance and ROI. This can be done through a variety of metrics, such as website traffic, conversion rates, and customer engagement. By regularly tracking these metrics, you can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions about how to optimise your website for success.

In conclusion, maximising the value of your website requires a strategic approach that focuses on identifying and prioritising the most important capabilities and features, and measuring its performance and ROI. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your website is delivering real value to your business and your users, and driving the results you need to succeed.

5 - Development: Website business properties

Bespoke Development - The development property requires technical experts to work directly with web standards.

When building a website, there are many options available to you, from using a website builder to hiring a professional web developer. While website builders have come a long way in recent years, there are still some situations where a technical expert may be necessary to develop custom solutions for your website.

Other builders (discussed in this documentation) will not include any features. These builders will require an expert developer to provide this content as an artifact which is used by the builder. Builders of this type can be extended at any time, however the content management system may only use the features which are enabled.

In this article, we will explore these scenarios and offer tips for finding and working with a development partner.

Complex Integrations

If you need to integrate your website with third-party applications or services, a technical expert may be necessary. For example, if you want to integrate your website with a CRM system or payment gateway, a developer may be required to ensure a seamless flow of data between the two systems. A technical expert can also work with APIs to create custom integrations that are not available out-of-the-box.

Custom Functionality

If you need specific functionality that is not offered by your website builder, a technical expert can help. For example, if you want to create a custom booking system or a custom search function, a developer can create the necessary code to make it happen. A skilled developer can also review your existing codebase to identify areas for improvement and create custom solutions that are tailored to your business needs.

Tips for Finding and Working with a Development Partner

When looking for a development partner, it’s important to find someone who has experience working with similar technologies. This ensures that they are familiar with the platform and can create custom solutions that integrate seamlessly. You should also look for a developer with a portfolio of work that demonstrates their expertise and experience.

When working with a developer, communication is key. Be clear about your goals and expectations, and ask for regular progress updates. You should also establish a clear timeline for the project and discuss the cost upfront to avoid any surprises later on.


While website builders offer a lot of functionality out-of-the-box, there are still situations where a technical expert may be necessary to develop custom solutions. When looking for a development partner, it’s important to find someone with experience working with your website builder or CMS, and to establish clear communication and expectations from the outset. By working with a skilled developer, you can create a website that is truly tailored to your business needs.