Guide on business website assets

In this document we discuss other topics that are of vital importance to the business.

There are many great tools to help business create awesome projects.

  • Github
  • Jira
  • Bitbucket

Gaining Full Leverage Using All Features of the Web

Review of the how features and applications can be combined to leverage the full power of the world wide web.

Risk Management: A guide for businesses

Effective Risk Management Strategies for Your Business - Businesses must implement effective risk management strategies to protect their brand, digital assets, and customer data.

Logo Tips: Guide for businesses

Creating the Perfect Logo for Your Business - There are several key factors to keep in mind to ensure that your logo is effective and memorable.

Domain Name: A guide on domain names for business

In this article we learn how a domain name is essentially the address of your website, and it plays a vital role in building your online identity.

Cost: A guide on website business costs.

Business Cost Of Website Hosting - Understanding the Cost of Building and Hosting a Website for One Year