QR Codes: on the web

Enhance your marketing strategies with QR codes. These pixelated symbols are a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. Learn how to engage customers and streamline operations on our website.

In today’s digital world, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage their customers and streamline their operations. One such tool that has gained popularity in recent years is the QR (Quick Response) code. These pixelated, square-shaped symbols have become a ubiquitous part of modern marketing strategies and have proven to be an effective and versatile tool for businesses of all sizes, including SMEs.

What are QR codes?

QR codes are two-dimensional barcodes that can store a variety of information, such as website URLs, contact information, or product details. QR codes are designed to be scanned using a smartphone or a dedicated QR code scanner. Once scanned, the QR code can direct users to a website, display text, or trigger a specific action, making it a powerful and versatile tool for businesses.

Using QR codes.

QR codes can be used in many formats and can do invoke multiple application on many modern devices. On the go like devices (phones, tablets) and even VR (virtual reality) have the best support for QR codes. Many of the dollars of investment spent by the major players have went into VR technology, making the support QR codes almost ubiquitous.

There are many ways you can utilise this technology, and the best way will always be dependant on your business or your customers. From printing them out and displaying them in appropriate places. To using them within adverts and digital displays.

QR codes, when scanned, can be acted upon based on its encoded data. Some of the many ways are as follows:

  • Opening Apps
  • Opening files
  • Opening websites pages
  • Opening any URL
  • Opening raw text.
  • Opening SMS client with a pre-generated message
  • Opening a mail client with a pre-generated contents
  • Opening a telephone number
  • Opening an application
  • Opening a vCard contact file in the default contacts app

Using QR codes on their websites?

QR codes can be displayed on a web page for consumption by a user. This gives the admin of the website the ability to easily change the QR code and the page it is placed on. This means that there is no need to reprint the pages or distribute the email marketing campaign again. This technique is sometimes called dynamic QR codes, because the QR code is generated by a server, it can change the qr code and its parameters to whatever is desired at the time. It can also use other server features to customise the particular qr code based on information that is available (time, demographics). Users in the UK get one coupon, other users can a difference coupon. This coupon is only displayed and valid until 10am.

Another way a QR code can be used is by providing a URL that, when the QR code is scanned, takes them to a page. This is done by providing a valid URL encoded within the QR code. When this is scanned by a compatible device, it can open the URL. This is a great way to enable users to open your website without having to type in a URL or to share your page with another user. Because any URL can be added to QR codes, they can link to any page on your website, depending on the QR code that is scanned.

Integrating QR codes into a website can offer SMEs several benefits, including:

  1. Enhanced customer engagement: SMEs can use QR codes to provide additional information about their products or services. For example, a QR code on a product’s webpage can lead customers to a demonstration video, customer reviews, or related products, enhancing their overall experience.
  2. Contactless transactions: With the ongoing emphasis on contactless interactions, SMEs can use QR codes to facilitate transactions. By embedding QR codes that link to payment portals or order forms on their website, SMEs can provide customers with a convenient and safe way to make purchases.
  3. Promotional campaigns: QR codes can be integrated into promotional materials, such as flyers, posters, or social media posts, to drive traffic to a company’s website. SMEs can create QR codes that offer exclusive discounts, access to downloadable content, or entry into contests to incentivize customer engagement.
  4. Gathering customer data: SMEs can use QR codes to collect valuable customer data. By linking QR codes to surveys or feedback forms on their website, SMEs can gain insights into customer preferences, satisfaction levels, and areas for improvement.
  5. Word of mouth: By giving users and existing customers access to certain coupons, they are incentivized to share them with their friends. It serves as a great reason to share a link with someone. “Here, you can get 20 pounds off with this.”

Best practices for implementing QR codes on SME websites:

When incorporating QR codes into their websites, SMEs should consider the following best practices:

  1. Ensure mobile optimisation: Since QR codes are primarily scanned using smartphones, it is crucial to optimise the linked website for mobile devices. The landing page should be responsive, user-friendly, and designed to provide a seamless experience for mobile users.
  2. Provide valuable content: The content or action triggered by the QR code should add value to the user’s experience. Whether it’s exclusive discounts, additional product information, or engaging multimedia content, SMEs should ensure that the linked content is relevant and compelling.
  3. Track and analyse performance: Using analytics tools, SMEs should track the performance of their QR code campaigns. By monitoring metrics such as scan rates, conversion rates, and user engagement, SMEs can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their QR code strategies and make data-driven decisions for future initiatives.
  4. There are multiple types of coupons: those designed to be shared and those that are tailored and restricted (for example, a coupon only valid for enterprise customers doing over $1 million in business). Ensure your coupons and backend systems are designed to handle the coupons finding their way into the hands of someone they aren’t intended for.

In conclusion, QR codes offer SMEs a simple yet powerful tool to enhance customer engagement, streamline transactions, and gather valuable insights. By strategically incorporating QR codes into their websites and marketing efforts, SMEs can harness the potential of this technology to drive growth and create meaningful interactions with their target audience.