Attribution: A Comprehensive Guide

Get help on marketing campaigns, impressions, data-driven insights, and much more. Master website attribution with our comprehensive guide. Unlock your true potential with practical advice and become an expert in no time.

When another website refers a customer to your business, it’s important to know which website it was and which marketing campaign or traffic source they used. By using custom applications and configuring the flow of the information you want, you can track it and give proper attribution to the referring property.

Platform click-throughs

While a click from a third-party platform may use a campaign to identify the traffic source, you can also use the platform that referred them to learn about the traffic.

For example, you can use Google Search Central to see your impressions and the queries they were for.

Marketing campaigns

This is especially useful for businesses that engage in affiliate marketing or partner with other websites to drive traffic and sales. By tracking the referrals and attributing them properly, you can ensure that your partners are receiving the credit they deserve for their efforts.


In short, it answers: When a user is referred from another website, you get a referrer event in your analytics, but when that user makes a conversion elsewhere inside your website, how do you know which referrer to give credit to? The referring session might not be the one that ultimately makes a sale, since a user may leave your site and come back another time. To help capture the required data, you may employ methods to capture attribution data and then associate any user conversions within your website with a referer campaign. On the old internet, the ad tech could make a mark on a user session that the signal was from x about product y. Google, for example, is now proposing the following to aid with ad tech attribution without third-party cookies:

Add techProduct siteRefering siteUserAdd techProduct siteRefering siteUserloop[Multiple sessions]redirects1Redirects2Redirects3Conversion or sale4A conversiom was made by the referee for the product5

How does attribution allow measurement? 

But attribution goes beyond just giving credit. It also provides valuable insights into which marketing campaigns and traffic sources are driving the most sales conversions. By analysing this data, you can optimise your marketing efforts and focus on the channels that are most effective.

Custom applications can help you track and analyse this data in real-time, giving you a clear picture of which referrals are converting into sales. This can help you make informed decisions about your marketing campaigns, adjust your strategies, and ultimately improve your overall performance.

So, if you’re looking for ways to improve your marketing campaigns and sales conversions, consider using custom applications to track and attribute referrals. By doing so, you can gain valuable insights and optimise your efforts for maximum impact.

Digital marketing attribution software

Attribution software is handled by ad tech platforms.You may find more information regarding this topic at ourguide on analytics

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