1 - Analytics: A guide from starter to hero

How businesses can effectively use analytics to provide a great base to start collecting the data needed to turn a website into an insight machine. Learn the tips for modern tools from industry experts.

What is analytics, and how does it work?

Analytics is an essential tool that every website owner should use to monitor their website’s performance. With analytics, website owners can measure the effectiveness of their online campaigns and understand how their audience interacts with their website. Analytics features provide an in-depth view of website traffic, user behavior, and demographics, which can help you make informed decisions about your website’s content and design.

One of the significant benefits of analytics, which monitors website interactions, is that it offers insights into how website traffic flows. With analytics, website owners can track the number of visitors to their website, where they come from, and how long they stay on the site. This information is critical in determining how well your website is performing and identifying areas where you can improve.

Analytics features can also help you identify your website’s most popular pages and the content that resonates best with your audience. This data can help you create more relevant and engaging content, which can attract more visitors to your website. In addition, analytics can show you which pages are not performing well, giving you an opportunity to make improvements and increase engagement.

Another significant benefit of analytics features is that they can help you understand your audience better. With analytics, you can track user behavior, such as which pages they visit most frequently, how long they stay on each page, and what actions they take on your website. This data can help you create a more personalized experience for your visitors, which can improve engagement and increase conversions.

Analytics features can also help you identify trends in user behavior, such as the devices and browsers your visitors use. This information can help you optimize your website for different devices and increase accessibility for all visitors.

Google Analytics vs. Custom Server or Code Tracking

Google Analytics is a web analytics service by Google, providing features to track and analyse website traffic. It offers pre-built reports and dashboards for insights without extensive customization. However, users can extend custom reports in various ways, subject to account limitations. On the other hand, custom server or code tracking allows for highly tailored data points. However, it’s important to note that using custom server code requires rewriting many components that established analytics software already includes. This makes it a costly implementation unless you have a critical need for highly specific and tailored data points. Google Analytics integrates with other Google services for seamless online marketing tracking. The choice between the two depends on specific needs and technical capabilities, each offering distinct advantages for tracking and analysing website activity.

How Businesses Can Effectively Use Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful tool for businesses looking to improve their website’s performance and get a better understanding of their tra. In this article, we’ll discuss various ways businesses can use Google Analytics to monitor website trends, understand usability patterns, create better content, and more.

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that businesses can use to track website traffic and gain insights into user behavior. By analysing this data, businesses can make informed decisions about their website’s design, content, and marketing strategies. Implementing Google Analytics is straightforward for many websites, often requiring only the addition of analytics scripts to begin gathering valuable information. While the default options are effective, businesses can also customise metrics and dimensions to capture specific data relevant to their goals. Some key metrics that businesses should monitor include:

  • Traffic sources: Google Analytics can show where visitors are coming from, such as search engines, social media, or referral sites. This information can help businesses determine which channels are driving the most traffic to their site.
  • Pageviews: Tracking pageviews can help businesses identify the most popular pages on their site, as well as pages that may need improvement.
  • Bounce rate: The bounce rate shows the percentage of visitors who leave a site after viewing only one page. A high bounce rate may indicate that visitors are not finding what they are looking for on the site.
  • Time on site: Tracking the amount of time visitors spend on a site can help businesses determine how engaging their content is.
  • The crawl path: How do the users navigate your website, starting on a home page and moving to the context page? Are they skipping your calls to action or FAQs before calling you?
  • Number of users: Depending on how your analytics are configured, you may collect the session information of customers over long periods of time while within your website. However, more strict analytics configurations track a user’s session for only 24 hours before creating a new one. Having a low tracking period can cause your analytics data to seem less accurate because it tracks the same users multiple times if they return to the same website. But this is expected; in this case, the meaning of user now does not mean a person or device, but instead a unique device session for 24 hours.
  • What is NOT captured: Your website analytics do not collect all available data. For example, answer engine widgets may provide information to users without your website being able to collect any data. The impressions and engagements for the respective applets may be displayed within their own user interface. For example, with Google Business, simply Google your business while logged into your Google account to see an administration panel. To conduct a full analysis, it is best to accumulate data from many sources. For example, a user may see your business on a search engine and not perform a call to action like a phone call or website click. Even after being prompted with a rich result displaying your calls to action, this would be captured by a Google Business impression without an engagement. As your Google Business applet result displays only a summary of your information, a follow-up to an answer engine prompt by using a call to action would be a request for more information. It’s also worth noting that answer engines are becoming more capable of answering inquiries without any further call to action.

By monitoring these metrics, businesses can make data-driven decisions about their website’s design and content.

Recording Custom Data Events

Google Analytics allows businesses to track custom data events, such as button clicks, downloads, and form submissions. This information can help businesses better understand how users interact with their site. For example, tracking how many users click on a specific button can help businesses determine whether the button is effective in driving conversions.

To track custom data events, businesses can use Google Tag Manager, which allows them to add code snippets to their site without needing to modify the site’s source code. This makes it easy for businesses to track user behavior without needing to involve their development team.

You can find more information on Custom events within Google Analytics here. For example, when using custom events within Google Analytics reports, to register event parameters and display them within your dashboard, you must first register the event parameter as a custom report dimension (subject to account limits). You may find the following article helpful: [GA4] About custom dimensions and metrics, and then, to create a report, see [GA4] Overview of Google Analytics reports and [GA4] Create an overview report. Once your report has been created you must publish it to the users with access to your Google analytics property. First create a collection, which is a set of reports, see [GA4] Collection. Once saved you can mark the collection as published and it will be avaliable within as a report on the Google Analytics Website.

Understanding Usability Patterns

Google Analytics can help businesses identify usability issues on their website. For example, businesses can use the Site Search feature to see what users are searching for on their site. If users are frequently searching for a specific product or service, businesses can make sure that information is prominently featured on their site.

Another way Google Analytics can help businesses understand usability patterns is by tracking user flows. User flows show the path users take through a website, from the entry point to the exit point. By analyzing user flows, businesses can identify pages that are causing users to leave the site, as well as pages that are leading to conversions.

Improving Existing Content

Google Analytics can help businesses identify which pages on their site may need improvement. For example, businesses can use the Behavior Flow report to see which pages users are exiting from most frequently. If users frequently leave a page without completing an action, such as making a purchase or filling out a form, businesses may need to revise the page’s design or content. Integrate with methods of A-B testing to get concrete insights on the most valuable changes you are unsure of.

Additionally, analytics provides vital data for various other applications. Typically, the most important are search reports.

Creating better content

Google Analytics can also help businesses create better content. By analyzing which pages on their site are the most popular, businesses can identify topics that their audience is interested in. They can then create more content on those topics to attract additional traffic to their site.

Additionally, businesses can use Google Analytics to monitor the success of their content marketing efforts. For example, by tracking how many leads or sales a piece of content generates, businesses can determine which types of content are most effective in driving conversions.

Understanding the Success of Advertising Campaigns

Google Analytics can help businesses monitor the success of their advertising campaigns. For example, businesses can use the Campaigns feature to track how many visitors are coming to their site from specific advertising channels, such as Google Ads or social media ads.

Additionally, businesses can use the Multi-Channel Funnels report to see how different advertising channels are contributing to conversions. This information can help businesses determine which channels are most effective in driving conversions and adjust their advertising strategies accordingly.

Monitoring advertising campaigns

In addition to monitoring the success of advertising campaigns, Google Analytics can also help businesses monitor their advertising spend. For example, businesses can use the cost analysis report to see how much they are spending on each advertising channel and determine whether their advertising budget is being used effectively.

Monitoring the social referral graph

Google Analytics can help businesses track how their content is being shared on social media. For example, businesses can use the referral report to see how many visitors are coming to their site from specific social media channels, such as Facebook or Twitter.

Understanding Users

Finally, Google Analytics can help businesses understand their audience better. For example, businesses can use the Demographics and Interests reports to see data on their audience’s age, gender, and interests. This information can help businesses create content that is tailored to their audience’s preferences.

Maximizing Marketing Impact with Data Analytics: Strategies and Insights

Data analytics is a critical tool for modern marketers to understand their audience and improve their marketing strategies. However, once you have set up your analytics solution, it’s essential to know how to get insights from it. In this article, we will discuss various strategies and insights to maximize your marketing impact.

Understanding the sources of your website

Understanding where your website traffic is coming from is critical to creating an effective marketing strategy. By analyzing your traffic sources, you can determine which channels are driving the most traffic to your website. You can then focus your efforts on these channels to maximize your marketing impact. You can use tools like Google Analytics to analyze your website traffic sources and get insights into how users are finding your site.

Targeting the correct sources

Once you have identified your website traffic sources, the next step is to target the correct sources. You can use data analytics to determine which channels are driving the most conversions and focus your efforts on these channels. For example, if you find that most of your conversions come from organic search, you can optimize your SEO strategy to improve your search rankings.

Understanding your users and their demographics

Knowing your audience’s demographic information is essential to creating an effective marketing strategy. By understanding your audience’s age, gender, location, and interests, you can create targeted campaigns that resonate with them. You can use tools like Google Analytics to get insights into your audience’s demographics and tailor your marketing efforts accordingly.

Understanding users’ behavior

Understanding how users behave on your website is critical to creating an effective marketing strategy. By analyzing user behavior, you can determine which pages are driving the most engagement and optimize them for conversions. You can use tools like heat maps and session replays to get insights into user behavior and improve your website’s user experience.

Optimizing your users’ flow through to the sale

Once users are on your website, it’s essential to optimize their flow through to the sale. By analyzing your website’s user flow, you can determine which pages are causing users to drop off and optimize them for conversions. You can use tools like A/B testing to experiment with different designs and messaging to improve your conversion rate.

Understanding what you can get from your analytics solution

It’s essential to understand what you can get from your analytics solution to maximize its potential. While graphs and tools provide valuable insights into your audience and marketing campaigns, they can only take you so far. You need to understand the limitations of your analytics solution and supplement it with custom tags and data points.

Adding custom tags and data points

Adding custom tags and data points to your analytics solution gives you the ability to write custom queries and get more insights into your audience and marketing campaigns. You can use languages like BigQuery to process large data sets and produce charts and other data points that can help you make informed marketing decisions.

Ensuring all your sources and campaigns are correctly attributable?

Attribution is critical to understanding the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. With the demise of third-party cookies, it’s essential to ensure that all your sources and campaigns are correctly attributable. You can use tools like Google Tag Manager to track user behavior and ensure that all your sources and campaigns are correctly attributed.

Define what information you want to collect, identify what conversions you expect from any given campaign, and determine which report type to collect. The final output is one or both of the two report types: event-level reports and summary reports.

Custom event templates

Page helpful event

By adding a simple button to your website, such as the one below, you can create a powerful tool for gathering feedback to improve your content. While there are other methods for collecting feedback, such as user surveys or AI chat agents, an unobtrusive button allows for unbiased feedback without requiring the user to exert any effort.

In addition to gathering simple feedback, a feedback button can also prompt users to provide additional information or participate in a supplementary survey. This added functionality allows you to gather more detailed insights and opinions from your users, enabling you to make more informed decisions and improvements to your website or content. By leveraging the feedback button for supplementary interactions, you can enhance the depth of feedback and engagement with your audience, leading to a better understanding of their needs and preferences.

Frequently asked questions

See our guide to attribution for more information.

Does Google Analytics (G4A) use cookies?

As of 2024 G4A does use first party cookies. This means google can track users across your domain using an identifier which they control the expiry date of. Since 2019 the default setting has been to only use first party cookies.

Does Google Analytics 4 (GA4) support the Privacy Sandbox?

Yes, Google Analytics cookies are first-party cookies, which means they can operate after the implementation of the so-called cookie-less advertising technology. Check out their notice here.

Are Google Analytics server-side events better?

They can be. For example, to ensure event integrity, or with regards to the privacy sandbox, it allows operating without third-party cookies. However, this analytics solution hides the analytics scripts behind the first party to prevent sending PPI to third parties via user TCP requests. Since 2019, web browsers have defaulted to using first-party cookies. However, enabling server-side events does give you access to more data within the Google Analytics ecosystem. This may be a major benefit only for small use cases. The extra data that is captured are events that did not originate from a browser window. On top of the negatives, client-side events must be configured by a developer, and that comes with implementation and utility costs. Since the events coming from users using a browser window are the important ones, it often makes no sense to incur any cost for data about robots using your website. You already have server logs. It can also help reduce client-side loading times by simply not serving a whole analytics distribution. Another reason may be to track access to resources that don’t have a browser window to execute any analytics software.

What are Google Analytics server-side events?

It is tracking your users using a first-party proxy and sending only the required data to any third-party trackers. In this case, Google Analytics.

Who is Google Analytics Server Side Events For?

Large businesses that are already incurring many of the costs, or someone who wants reports on the robots browsing their website.

App recommendations


In conclusion, analytics features are a must-have for any website owner who wants to understand their audience better and improve their website’s performance. With analytics, you can gain insights into website traffic, user behavior, and demographics, which can help you make informed decisions about your website’s content and design. By leveraging the power of analytics, you can create a more engaging and personalized experience for your visitors, which can lead to increased engagement, conversions, and revenue.

By following these strategies and insights, you can maximize your marketing impact with data analytics. Understanding your audience, optimizing your website, and tracking your campaigns’ effectiveness are just a few of the many ways that data analytics can help you improve your marketing strategy.

2 - Applications: a guide on the many possibilities

Websites can be used to provide users with any type of application.

Custom applications are designed to meet your unique business requirements. This means that you can create applications that do exactly what you need them to do. For example, you can create an application that allows your customers to book appointments, purchase products, or submit support requests. By creating custom applications, you can streamline your business processes and improve the customer experience.

Custom applications can also provide you with valuable insights into your business. For example, you can track customer behavior and preferences, which can help you make informed decisions about your products and services. You can also track sales data, which can help you identify trends and opportunities for growth. By leveraging the insights provided by custom applications, you can optimize your business processes and improve your overall performance.

Creating custom applications may seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. There are many tools and platforms available that make application development accessible to non-technical users. For example, low-code platforms allow you to create custom applications without writing any code. These platforms provide drag-and-drop interfaces and pre-built components, making it easy to create applications quickly and easily.

You don’t have to stand alone, many business provide services to support your application. Just how they would as a widget on a web page, a service can be invoked from any application.

The number of these services are far too numerous to list, just google whatever you desire. For example: printing cards API. Another option may be. Example: printing SaaS.

3 - Attribution: A Comprehensive Guide

Get help on marketing campaigns, impressions, data-driven insights, and much more. Master website attribution with our comprehensive guide. Unlock your true potential with practical advice and become an expert in no time.

When another website refers a customer to your business, it’s important to know which website it was and which marketing campaign or traffic source they used. By using custom applications and configuring the flow of the information you want, you can track it and give proper attribution to the referring property.

Platform click-throughs

While a click from a third-party platform may use a campaign to identify the traffic source, you can also use the platform that referred them to learn about the traffic.

For example, you can use Google Search Central to see your impressions and the queries they were for.

Marketing campaigns

This is especially useful for businesses that engage in affiliate marketing or partner with other websites to drive traffic and sales. By tracking the referrals and attributing them properly, you can ensure that your partners are receiving the credit they deserve for their efforts.


In short, it answers: When a user is referred from another website, you get a referrer event in your analytics, but when that user makes a conversion elsewhere inside your website, how do you know which referrer to give credit to? The referring session might not be the one that ultimately makes a sale, since a user may leave your site and come back another time. To help capture the required data, you may employ methods to capture attribution data and then associate any user conversions within your website with a referer campaign. On the old internet, the ad tech could make a mark on a user session that the signal was from x about product y. Google, for example, is now proposing the following to aid with ad tech attribution without third-party cookies:

Add techProduct siteRefering siteUserAdd techProduct siteRefering siteUserloop[Multiple sessions]redirects1Redirects2Redirects3Conversion or sale4A conversiom was made by the referee for the product5

How does attribution allow measurement? 

But attribution goes beyond just giving credit. It also provides valuable insights into which marketing campaigns and traffic sources are driving the most sales conversions. By analysing this data, you can optimise your marketing efforts and focus on the channels that are most effective.

Custom applications can help you track and analyse this data in real-time, giving you a clear picture of which referrals are converting into sales. This can help you make informed decisions about your marketing campaigns, adjust your strategies, and ultimately improve your overall performance.

So, if you’re looking for ways to improve your marketing campaigns and sales conversions, consider using custom applications to track and attribute referrals. By doing so, you can gain valuable insights and optimise your efforts for maximum impact.

Digital marketing attribution software

Attribution software is handled by ad tech platforms.You may find more information regarding this topic at our guide on analytics

More information

4 - Contact page: Exploring the best contact methods

A contact page is a crucial element of a website that allows visitors to get in touch with you.

A contact page is a crucial element of a website that allows visitors to get in touch with you. It is an essential feature of any website, regardless of its purpose. A contact page provides a simple and efficient way for visitors to communicate with you, ask questions, provide feedback, and more. In this article, we will discuss the use cases for a contact page on a website.

Providing all accessibility formats

Providing information to all your potential customers requires using many formats. Including the web, phone, sign, email etc. Other decisions also play a role, are you happy to leave an email or phone number available to the public? Are there multiple contact points used by different people? Contact applications also work with other aspects of the web, to learn more about pass your details to search engines, you can view a guide on structured data.

To add a form to give users the ability to contact you instantly.

One of the main use cases for a contact page is to provide a form or method that visitors can fill out to contact you instantly. This form typically includes fields for name, email, subject, and message. The form can also include other fields depending on the purpose of your website. For instance, if you are running an e-commerce website, you can add a field for order number.

When adding functionality it is important to consider if what you are adding is imposing any conditions upon potential consumers. Having a form instead of an email may impose a restriction on senders to use other means to store a duplicate message or an indicator of the message. Taking into account that existing functionality already has better accessibility than your Implementation.

For some communication, like having a form which upon receiving a message, sends a receipt to an email including the contents, is not perfect accessibility to someone without an email or a postage stamp. Since the receipt was not generated from their side of the communication.

QR Codes and vCards

Another common format that users expect are vCards; vCards are the best digital business card format when transferring data from one medium to a user’s Contact application. Build a vCard here. QR codes can also be used with vCards for seamless sharing.

What should be on a contact page?

In a perfect world, making every method available would be preferred.Allowing users to quickly choose their preferred method. The contact page should be the definitive place users can refer to for any up-to-date details. Be sure to include links to all the methods you support. Humans aren’t the only thing that can use your contact page to receive information, search engines and other applications (see structured data) can access your information here.

Another use case for a contact page is to provide a wide variety of details such as the phone number, physical address, and social media profiles. This information is essential for visitors who prefer to contact you using these methods. Providing multiple ways to contact you increases the chances of visitors getting in touch with you.

As more is better, consider methods to combine multiple profiles into one manageable one. However, it is advisable to be selective in your adoption of any platform.

Adding opening hours?

Your website should be the authoritative source of information on your business. Offering more info than other applications do and any further details. Other applications now offer information on your business but it’s effective for your website to be the source of any info. The aim of a good website is to create a rich authoritative document that utilizes exciting web features to provide functionality to customers. Providing enough utility to enable users to leverage value from web features is now more Important than ever.

Applications are getting smarter and more integrated every day. Still, no matter how smart AI applications and user feedback improvement become at determining and displaying information on your behalf, a source of truth must be called to provide the most up-to-date info. On the other hand, allowing customers to optimise functionality is imperative for competitiveness. Even those third party applications can’t work for the use cases where for example there’s been an unexpected closure. That is without making a call to a source of truth. Read more on structure.

The cost to make a network call is minuscule to the petrol cost of a wasted trip to the shopping mall.

A customer bookmarks your contact page, opening it to check if a shop is open just before having to enter the mall to get a coffee. If it’s closed, 5 mins could have been saved.

Take a customer traveling to a fast food restaurant, before engaging with any order there first needs to be a check on if its open. Else you risk frustrating a customer by wasting effort in creating a particular basket only to then force them to abandon it.

Or, to display a notice to potential visitors to redirect to an overflow car park.

Should A map be included on a website contact page?

If your business has a physical location, you can use your contact page to provide a map or directions to your location. This is particularly helpful for visitors who are not familiar with your area and need help finding your business.

To receive feedback from visitors.

Your contact page can also be used to receive feedback from visitors. This feedback can be about your products, services, website, or anything else related to your business. Feedback can be valuable in helping you improve your business and website.

To provide customer support.

If you offer customer support, your contact page can be used to provide this service. You can provide a phone number, email address, or live chat option for visitors to get in touch with your support team. This is particularly important for e-commerce websites, where visitors may have questions or issues with their orders.

In conclusion, a contact page is an essential component of any website. It provides a simple and efficient way for visitors to communicate with you, ask questions, provide feedback, and more. By including a contact page on your website, you can improve the user experience and increase the chances of visitors getting in touch with you.

5 - Tools: A guide on handy website features

In today’s world, businesses are constantly looking for ways to add value to their customers. One way to do this is by creating tools or computations that can provide value to customers.

In today’s world, businesses are constantly looking for ways to add value to their customers. One way to do this is by creating tools or computations that can provide value to customers. These tools can help customers navigate complex situations and make better decisions. They can also improve trust between businesses and their customers.

Tools and computations can take many forms. They can be spreadsheets, calculators, data visualizations, or even simple web applications. Whatever form they take, the goal is always the same: to provide value to customers.

One advantage of these tools is that they can be created relatively easily. Many businesses already have spreadsheets or other computations that they use internally. These can often be repurposed and turned into more user-friendly applications for customers.

For example, a financial advisor might have a complex spreadsheet that they use to calculate retirement savings. This spreadsheet could be turned into a web application that allows customers to input their own data and get personalized retirement savings projections. This tool would provide value to customers by helping them make better retirement planning decisions.

Another advantage of these tools is that they can help build trust between businesses and their customers. When customers see that a business has created a tool that is designed to help them, they are more likely to trust that business. This can lead to increased loyalty and repeat business.

For example, a real estate agent might create a tool that allows customers to see historical property values in a particular area. This tool would provide value to customers by helping them make more informed decisions about property purchases. It would also help build trust between the agent and the customer by demonstrating the agent’s expertise and commitment to helping the customer.

In conclusion, any tool or computation that a business creates can provide value to customers. These tools can take many forms and can be repurposed from existing internal computations. They help customers navigate complex situations and make better decisions, while also building trust between businesses and their customers. By creating these tools, businesses can improve the customer experience and increase loyalty and repeat business.

6 - Structure: Methods of custom analysis

Creating unique and custom analysis has great benefits on the standards of the content produced and the value it gives.

The internet has become an integral part of our daily lives and the amount of information available online is increasing at an unprecedented rate. Websites are the primary medium for disseminating information online, and they must adhere to certain standards to ensure their content is accessible and valuable to all users. To achieve this, analysis of structured website documents is necessary to test against many different standards.

Structured website documents are created using specific markup languages like HTML, XML, and XHTML. These languages define how the content is presented on the web page. For instance, HTML tags are used to define the structure and layout of the web page, while XML tags define the data structure of the web page. XHTML is a combination of HTML and XML. By analyzing the structured website document, we can ensure that the content is structured correctly, and it adheres to the required standards.

Creating unique and custom analysis has great benefits on the standards of the content produced and the value it gives. Custom analysis allows developers to check the website against specific standards that are relevant to their project. For example, accessibility standards ensure that the website is accessible to users with disabilities. This is particularly important for websites that provide critical services, like government websites, news websites, and medical websites.

Custom analysis also allows developers to test against different versions of the same standard. For example, the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) have different versions, and each version has different requirements. By testing against different versions of the same standard, developers can ensure that their website is accessible to as many users as possible.

Moreover, custom analysis allows developers to test against multiple standards simultaneously. For example, accessibility standards and search engine optimization (SEO) standards can be tested simultaneously. This ensures that the website is not only accessible to users but also visible to search engines. This increases the website’s visibility and improves its ranking on search engines.

In conclusion, analysis of structured website documents is essential to ensure that the content is accessible and valuable to all users. Creating unique and custom analysis has great benefits on the standards of the content produced and the value it gives. It allows developers to test against specific standards, different versions of the same standard, and multiple standards simultaneously. This ensures that the website is accessible to as many users as possible and visible to search engines, thereby increasing its value.

7 - QR Codes: on the web

Enhance your marketing strategies with QR codes. These pixelated symbols are a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes. Learn how to engage customers and streamline operations using various application formats.

In today’s digital world, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are constantly seeking innovative ways to engage their customers and streamline their operations. One such tool that has gained popularity in recent years is the QR (Quick Response) code. These pixelated, square-shaped symbols have become a ubiquitous part of modern marketing strategies and have proven to be an effective and versatile tool for businesses of all sizes, including SMEs.

What are QR codes?

QR codes are two-dimensional barcodes that can store a variety of information, such as website URLs, contact information, or product details. QR codes are designed to be scanned using a smartphone or a dedicated QR code scanner. Once scanned, the QR code can direct users to a website, display text, or trigger a specific action, making it a powerful and versatile tool for businesses.

Using QR codes.

QR codes can be used in many formats and can do invoke multiple application on many modern devices. On the go like devices (phones, tablets) and even VR (virtual reality) have the best support for QR codes. Many of the dollars of investment spent by the major players have went into VR technology, making the support QR codes almost ubiquitous.

There are many ways you can utilise this technology, and the best way will always be dependant on your business or your customers. From printing them out and displaying them in appropriate places. To using them within adverts and digital displays.

QR codes, when scanned, can be acted upon based on its encoded data. Some of the many ways are as follows:

  • Opening Apps
  • Opening files
  • Opening websites pages
  • Opening any URL
  • Opening raw text.
  • Opening SMS client with a pre-generated message
  • Opening a mail client with a pre-generated contents
  • Opening a telephone number
  • Opening an application
  • Opening a vCard contact file in the default contacts app

Using QR codes on their websites?

QR codes can be displayed on a web page for consumption by a user. This gives the admin of the website the ability to easily change the QR code and the page it is placed on. This means that there is no need to reprint the pages or distribute the email marketing campaign again. This technique is sometimes called dynamic QR codes, because the QR code is generated by a server, it can change the qr code and its parameters to whatever is desired at the time. It can also use other server features to customise the particular qr code based on information that is available (time, demographics). Users in the UK get one coupon, other users can a difference coupon. This coupon is only displayed and valid until 10am.

Another way a QR code can be used is by providing a URL that, when the QR code is scanned, takes them to a page. This is done by providing a valid URL encoded within the QR code. When this is scanned by a compatible device, it can open the URL. This is a great way to enable users to open your website without having to type in a URL or to share your page with another user. Because any URL can be added to QR codes, they can link to any page on your website, depending on the QR code that is scanned.

Integrating QR codes into a website can offer SMEs several benefits, including:

  1. Enhanced customer engagement: SMEs can use QR codes to provide additional information about their products or services. For example, a QR code on a product’s webpage can lead customers to a demonstration video, customer reviews, or related products, enhancing their overall experience.
  2. Contactless transactions: With the ongoing emphasis on contactless interactions, SMEs can use QR codes to facilitate transactions. By embedding QR codes that link to payment portals or order forms on their website, SMEs can provide customers with a convenient and safe way to make purchases.
  3. Promotional campaigns: QR codes can be integrated into promotional materials, such as flyers, posters, or social media posts, to drive traffic to a company’s website. SMEs can create QR codes that offer exclusive discounts, access to downloadable content, or entry into contests to incentivize customer engagement.
  4. Gathering customer data: SMEs can use QR codes to collect valuable customer data. By linking QR codes to surveys or feedback forms on their website, SMEs can gain insights into customer preferences, satisfaction levels, and areas for improvement.
  5. Word of mouth: By giving users and existing customers access to certain coupons, they are incentivized to share them with their friends. It serves as a great reason to share a link with someone. “Here, you can get 20 pounds off with this.”

Best practices for implementing QR codes on SME websites:

When incorporating QR codes into their websites, SMEs should consider the following best practices:

  1. Ensure mobile optimisation: Since QR codes are primarily scanned using smartphones, it is crucial to optimise the linked website for mobile devices. The landing page should be responsive, user-friendly, and designed to provide a seamless experience for mobile users.
  2. Provide valuable content: The content or action triggered by the QR code should add value to the user’s experience. Whether it’s exclusive discounts, additional product information, or engaging multimedia content, SMEs should ensure that the linked content is relevant and compelling.
  3. Track and analyse performance: Using analytics tools, SMEs should track the performance of their QR code campaigns. By monitoring metrics such as scan rates, conversion rates, and user engagement, SMEs can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their QR code strategies and make data-driven decisions for future initiatives.
  4. There are multiple types of coupons: those designed to be shared and those that are tailored and restricted (for example, a coupon only valid for enterprise customers doing over $1 million in business). Ensure your coupons and backend systems are designed to handle the coupons finding their way into the hands of someone they aren’t intended for.

In conclusion, QR codes offer SMEs a simple yet powerful tool to enhance customer engagement, streamline transactions, and gather valuable insights. By strategically incorporating QR codes into their websites and marketing efforts, SMEs can harness the potential of this technology to drive growth and create meaningful interactions with their target audience.

8 - Leveraging Virtual Business Cards (vCards) for Business Success

Discover the benefits of virtual business cards (vCards) for your business, including enhanced professionalism, improved networking efficiency, seamless integration with digital platforms, cost-effectiveness, customizability, and advanced features for better contact management and marketing strategies. Create vCards for free with online tools and distribute using various mechanisms to boost your business success.

In the digital age, the way businesses and professionals exchange contact information has evolved significantly. Virtual business cards, or vCards, have emerged as a sophisticated and efficient alternative to traditional paper cards. This article explores the benefits and practical applications of vCards in the modern business landscape. Additionally, it’s worth noting that the vCards format is constantly evolving, with current draft proposals to standardize newer features that contact applications have adopted.

What is the meaning of a virtual business card (vCard)?

What is a vCard?

A vCard is a simple format for exchanging information about contact details from one application to another. This means it’s a file similar to a .txt file. The format has been developed independently on many different operating systems, the lack of feature support across devices makes it hard to create files on one device and expect that they will work everywhere they are downloaded. This makes it hard to create files on one device and expect that it will work everywhere they are downloaded. However, this doesn’t mean the vCard isn’t relevant. They still have relevance when it comes to exchanging contact data between devices, even if the devices are only supporting the old version 3 standard. vCards can even be used with Quick Response codes.

Working with vCards

The properties of virtual business cards must be maintained to enable their continued usage. To fully leverage this, it’s important to understand these properties. Each card is assigned a unique identifier (UID) which can be used to associate a card with a specific identity. When an application encounters a card with the same identifier, it can be assumed to relate to the same identity. This feature allows the application to support multiple functions, such as updating the information of a vCard when a new version becomes available or relating a vCard to another vCard. However, this also means that when making changes to any vCards, you must retain the UID. Make sure to load your existing vCard to avoid creating a separate vCard whenever it’s downloaded.

Convenience and Accessibility

vCards provide unparalleled convenience in sharing contact information. They can be easily sent via email, SMS, or social media, allowing recipients to save your contact details directly to their devices without manual input. This ease of transfer ensures that your information is always at your clients’ and colleagues’ fingertips, reducing the risk of misplacement or data entry errors.

Enhanced Professionalism

Using vCards demonstrates that your business is tech-savvy and environmentally conscious. It signals to clients and partners that you embrace modern tools and are committed to sustainability by reducing paper waste. This can enhance your brand’s image and appeal, especially to eco-conscious customers. Integration with Digital Ecosystems vCards are compatible with various digital platforms and devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. They can be integrated into email signatures, websites, and social media profiles, providing multiple touchpoints for potential clients to access your information. This seamless integration ensures that your contact details are readily available across all digital channels. Additionally, vCards can be version managed and include links back to the virtual address of the contact, enhancing the accessibility and functionality of the contact information.

Customizable and Updateable

Unlike traditional business cards, vCards can be easily updated with new information. Whether you change your phone number, email address, or job title, a simple update ensures that all your contacts have the latest information. Customization options also allow you to include logos, images, and additional details such as social media links, enhancing the card’s utility and branding.

Efficient Networking

Networking becomes more efficient with vCards as they facilitate quick and easy exchange of information during events, conferences, or casual meetings. Scanning a QR code or tapping a NFC-enabled device can instantly share your vCard, making the process swift and contactless—a significant advantage in today’s health-conscious environment.


While there is an initial cost associated with creating a vCard, the long-term savings are significant. There is no need for continuous printing and reprinting of paper cards, which can be costly and environmentally taxing. The digital nature of vCards ensures that you can distribute an unlimited number of cards without additional costs.

Practical Applications of vCards

Sales and Marketing

Sales professionals can use vCards to ensure that potential clients have instant access to their contact information, portfolio, and social media profiles. This immediate access can enhance follow-up rates and facilitate smoother communication.

Human Resources and Recruitment

HR departments can use vCards to streamline the recruitment process. Including vCards in job postings or emails ensures that candidates have easy access to recruiter information, making the process more professional and efficient.

Event Management

For event organizers, vCards can be included in event apps or QR codes on badges, allowing attendees to quickly exchange information and network more effectively.

Customer Service

Customer service teams can use vCards to provide clients with direct contact information, ensuring swift and personal customer support.

Implementing the distribution of a vCard

Create and download a compatible vcard.

Using an online virtual business card builder like Snowdon Dev vCard Generator you can create new vCard(s). Then, simply download the file and share it with your customers. We offer many custom templates and prebuilt functions, which makes our completely free vcard creator the best and easiest to use.

Share QR Codes for Efficient vCard Distribution

QR (Quick Response) codes can be effectively utilized to distribute vCards in a convenient and contactless manner. By incorporating a QR code that contains your vCard information on your business materials, such as business cards, brochures, or marketing materials, you can streamline the process of exchanging contact details. When individuals scan the QR code using their smartphones, they can instantly receive and save your vCard details without the need for manual entry.

QR codes can be displayed on web pages or printed off, making them versatile for various marketing and networking strategies. Whether incorporated into digital content or printed materials like posters and flyers, QR codes offer a flexible solution for distributing vCards across different platforms. This adaptability ensures that recipients can easily access your vCard information regardless of the medium, further enhancing the convenience and accessibility of exchanging contact details.

Additionally, at events or conferences, including a QR code on your name badge or on promotional materials enables swift and efficient sharing of your vCard with other attendees. This seamless process not only enhances networking opportunities but also reflects a modern and tech-savvy approach to exchanging contact information.

vCard QR Code from static data

To create a QR code that opens a vCard, simply generate a QR code from the file contents of a vCard. Ensure that the file is loaded appropriately or use tools to validate and correct any encoding issues. This process guarantees that the QR code efficiently links to the vCard, allowing recipients to instantly access and save your contact details with ease. By following this method, you can ensure seamless integration of vCard information with QR technology, optimizing the convenience and functionality of exchanging contact information.

When creating a vcard from static data, be sure to remove any photo encoding, as the file size will become too large to be encoded within a QR code. Like GIF.

vCard QR Code from URL

QR codes can also link to a URL, this means that you can utilise both methods, distributing a URL to a vCard via QR codes. By only encoding the URL in the QR code, this reduces the amount of data without reducing any functionality. It also allows you to update your vCard without changing the QR code printouts.

Digital file exchange

There are multiple ways to send vcards in the applications we use. Via, a link on a website or email.

Optons One: Send the file

Add the vcf file to an email. It can be opened as a file. However, this means that the file must be resent to each email. The file size is quite small, so that is acceptable.

Options Two: Making the file available as a download

By uploading a file to a publicly exposed web server, users can download the file from the link. This gives the owner the ability to capture any downloads as events to be used in some form of analytics. It also allows you to include only a link to the file, which will reduce the number of bytes sent per email.

Once the file has been sent to a web server, you will also need to send some headers to tell the client application that what you are sending is a file of a particular format and that its file name is.

On an individual file level (using Express JS):

res.set('Content-Type', 'text/vcard; name="mycontactfile.vcf"');
res.set('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename="mycontact.vcf"');

On an entire set of file (using firebase):

  "headers": [ {
    "source": "vcf/**/*.@(vcf)",
    "headers": [ 
        "key": "Content-Type",
        "value": "text/vcard; name=\"mycontactfile.vcf\""
        "key": "Content-Disposition",
        "value": "inline; filename=\"mycontact.vcf\""
  } ]

Then simply link to the file using a anchor tag.

<a href="https://mywebserver.com/vcf/mycontact.vcf">Download my contact file</a>

Or using your client (email application etc), add a hyperlink to the following URL:



Virtual business cards are a powerful tool in the digital age, offering convenience, professionalism, and advanced features that traditional business cards cannot match. By integrating vCards into your business strategy, you can enhance your networking efforts, streamline operations, and project a modern, eco-friendly image. Embrace the future of business communication with vCards and watch your professional relationships and business opportunities flourish.

Frequently asked questions

How to open a vCard (.vcf, .vcard) file?

When you open a vCard file, you can click on it to open it in the default application, or select it in the file Explorer or another program. One common issue with vCard files is that computers may change newline characters, causing potential data corruption. To avoid this, it’s best not to edit the file’s text. Some applications not designed for vCard files may also cause encoding changes when loading and saving the file. Typically, opening a .vcf file will open it directly in the correct application, such as a contact or address book, without the need for text editing.